St Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St Andrew’s is one of the oldest surviving wooden buildings in Suva, constructed in 1883 soon after the capital was established. It serves a diverse congregation including regional students who attend the University of the South Pacific.

Last updated on 01 Mar 2025

Narrated by Tariel Karaeliea



The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand extends its mission to Fiji when Reverend C. Stewart Ross visits Presbyterian settlers and traders there. On 1 May Ross arranged a public meeting in Levuka to discuss the establishment of a Presbyterian Church.


On 16 January, one year after Fiji’s capital was moved to Suva, the Presbyterian families who settled in Suva agreed to form a committee to build a church. They included Messrs MacGregor, Murchie, Paul, Robertson, Eyres, McHarg, Rattenbury, Dulfer, Wood and Duncan. They were granted land from W.K. Thomson, McEwan and Co. and construction began in June. The building was completed on 23 September.


In January the church opened Sunday schools, and first communion was conducted by Revered H.C. Giles.


On 4 March the church was damaged by a hurricane. Assistance from several church committees and Polynesians from Kiribati and Samoa provided funds to rebuild the church.


Rebuilding of the church was completed in April.


The church congregation took part in a National Day of Prayer with morning and evening services and the establishment of bible studies.


A women’s club was established and ministers offered services in Lautoka and Nadi.


The Presbyterian Church joined the Fiji Council of Churches. A new kindergarten and primary school was built, and the teachers initially came from New Zealand.


The Presbyterian Church joined the Pacific Theological College (P.T.C) to train new ministers. Kiribati students also used the church to conduct services in their own language.


The Church celebrated its Centenary.


The Church employed a full time minister to serve in the ministry.


Elsie Stephenson, Fiji’s Past on Picture Postcards (Suva, Canies Jannif Limited 1997).

Interview with Rev. Dr. Donald Yeates, 2019.
