Suva City Carnegie Library

The Suva City Carnegie Library was opened in 1909 and bears the name of the Scottish-born American philanthropist who funded it. It is now run by the Suva City Council and serves the Central and Eastern Divisons of Fiji.

Last updated on 04 Mar 2025

Narrated by Vaega Toelupe



The Management of the Library at Queen Victoria Memorial Hall was taken over by the Suva Town Board and Mr. C.A. Huon was appointed Librarian in July.


Local resident Mr. A.H. Oglive obtained a grant of 1,500 pounds from a Scottish-born American philanthropist, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, for a free library.


A letter of acceptance was published in The Western Pacific Herald on 31 January. On 1 September the British Governor of Fiji, Sir Everard im Thurn, laid the foundation stone of the library.


The Carnegie Library was officially opened on 24 November by  the Governor who also donated books as did Sir Alport Barker (proprietor and publisher of Fiji Times & Herald Ltd.).


The Library roof was blown off during a hurricane on 25 March.


A children’s library collection was established.


The library was extended with new wings on each side. The Fiji Tourist Bureau occupied a small space here.


The Suva Book Club was created and was later succeeded by the Suva Circulating Library in 1940.


The Fiji Museum occupied the top of Carnegie Library until 1954.


Some damage was done to the library during a hurricane.


An American Naval Dental Unit occupied the library until 1944. Most of the valuable books were stored in the soapstone tunnel in Cakobau Road (residence of British High Commissioner).


The Suva Town Board acquired the Circulating Library Collection. The books were finally bought in 1947 for 200 pounds.


The British Council opened a children’s section in the library at the corner of Victoria Parade and MacArthur Street.


The Suva Town Board changed its status to Suva City Council. The next year Carnegie Library changed its name to Suva City Library under a resolution passed by the Council.


The Fiji Museum moved out of the library building.


In March the Trustee of Estate for the late J.P. Bayley gave $1000 to establish a reference library on Tropic Agriculture stock breeding. In July Ms Nakaora, the only Librarian Assistant with overseas training, was offered an annual salary of $1,472.


In April the President of Suva Women’s Advisory Council requested the Suva City Council to proceed with a children section book appeal. The council then granted approval. A cash donation was given by the Suva Women’s Advisory Council to the Children’s Library.


In March the Library Services for Children was introduced and were given the use of a Bedford Truck. They then visited 25 primary schools in the Suva area. In May the Library displayed approximately 1,000 books about the South Pacific  during the South Pacific Festival of Arts.


The name of the Library was finally changed after the decision was made in 1953.


National Library Week began. It mainly focused at creating awareness amongst children and the public on the role libraries play in their lives.


The Library was used as a sanctuary for Indo- Fijians who were being vicitimised during the military coup.


The Japanese Government provided a grant of F$91,567 to upgrade the second floor of the library for air conditioning, new furniture, purchasing of books and IT.


In February the Fiji/ Japan Friendship Centre was opened at the library by the Japanese Ambassador.


Renovation of the Children’s Library with a grant of F$126,000 by NZAID.


Fiji Library Association launched the READ CAMPAIGN, funded and supported by the US Embassy in Suva.


To commemorate the library’s centennial anniversary, the building was renovated and its name was changed to Suva City Carnegie Library in January. In September, a book about the library was launched titled Suva City Carnegie Library 100th anniversary 1908-2008 by Isimeli Cerelala and Frances Pene.


Cerelala, I and Pene, F. 2008. Suva City Council Carnegie Library 100th Anniversary. Suva, Fiji Admed Consultants.

Geoview. 2017. Suva City Library. (Available online)>,1526059806n.

Suva City Library, 2017. The Suva Council Carnegie Library. (Available online) >

Suva City Council. 2012. Suva City Carnegie Library. (Available online)>
